Desolat - Get Sick And Let Me Watch You Die LP - Reptilian Records

Desolat – Get Sick And Let Me Watch You Die LP (Reptilian Records)

Desolat - Get Sick And Let Me Watch You Die LP - Reptilian Records

Desolat has come a long way over the years. With the impressive sonic artillery pervading from all possible sides, there is nothing not to love about this band. Each release stands as an amalgam built upon cleverly assembled compositions where aggression meets power. They announced their upcoming release on legendary Reptilian Records a few months ago, so that was a proper cause for celebration among all the fans of excellent underground music. For those stumbling upon this band for the first time. Desolat is all about pushing to the extremes. They combine many complementary subgenres of extreme underground music, so their music is suitable for anyone looking for in-your-face sounds. These prolific musicians blend sludge, stoner, noise, hardcore, and metal like no one else, proving that the underground scene still has something fresh and unique to offer.

Get Sick And Let Me Watch You Die” arrives with eight powerful compositions, each good in its regard. While their previous recordings included more crust punk, death, and black metal, this material showcases less involvement of these styles, while sludge, stoner, noise rock, and hardcore resonate upfront. While their musicianship and ideas are on full display here, it’s also good to mention that their arranging abilities especially stand out on this album, proving they thought about even the tiniest details and nuances while writing, composing, arranging, recording, and producing. Those who followed up with this band before will unquestionably realize how much effort, ideas, heart, and soul these guys incorporated into each track, as everything resonated on an entirely new level. They uplifted their sound to an entirely new level that will appeal to even the pickiest fans of the mentioned music genres.

Every band member shines in the limelight with their performance. First of all, the vocals are continuously levitating between screams and shouts, and this technique flawlessly matches the sonic support. Besides so many heavy riffs, Desolat also included some themes, melodies, and harmonies, serving as a perfect contrast to all that rawness, abrasiveness, fuzziness, and aggression. The guitars provide immense support for the vocals to shine upon while delivering more than a necessary colossal wall of sound that stands as a landmark of this band. In the meantime, the equally intricate, vividly hearable, generously distorted low-ends roar beneath all those guitar layers, offering even more heaviness, depth, and clarity to the mix. Besides providing immense support to the guitars, the bass guitar binds all the instrumentations with drums. Of course, this material wouldn’t sound this good without the exceptional drumming performance. The experienced drummer keeps everything in line while dictating groove and pace with moderate, well-accentuated beats, breaks, fills, and other percussive acrobatics.

Every band member plays a significant role in this sonic equation, and their performances undoubtedly define the unparalleled sound Desolat has been known on the underground scene for years. Each composition offers a unique perspective on several music genres, proving that the underground still has so much to offer, and Desolat is a true representative of that raw, heavy, aggressive sound. The album is available on vinyl via Reptilian Records, so grab your copy as soon as possible.




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