Fake Plastic - The Long Night

Fake Plastic – The Long Night

Fake Plastic - The Long Night

The Long Night” is the latest track by Fake Plastic, a German trio based in Hamburg. It’s an adequate sneak peek into their upcoming full-length album, which will be released in autumn this year. For this particular song, Fake Plastic decided to perform and record everything inside their rehearsal room at the Otzenbunker. Therefore, this version unquestionably demonstrates their raw, honest, intimate, and ultimately precise performance. Soundwise, Fake Plastic combines many different but complementary genres to achieve its rich and luxurious sound. Perhaps alternative rock comes to mind first, but you’ll notice how some of the finest properties borrowed from proto-grunge, grunge, garage rock, and indie rock lurk around. They use all these additional elements as more than necessary enhancements, accentuations, decorations, and other details to uplift their track on an entirely new level while simultaneously remaining loyal to the primary sonic direction. Therefore, these experimentations with many different but complementary styles resulted in a catchy, addictive, hypnotic, mesmerizing track that will appeal to even die-hard alternative rock fans and beyond.

Fake Plastic
Photo courtesy of the band.

As soon as you press play, you’ll notice these folks are not joking around with their music. “The Long Night” sounds superb from scratch to finish thanks to all the preparations, songwriting, composing, and arranging. They thoroughly planned the entire song structure, so you’ll hear how they fully stacked all the segments with delicate instrumentations and brilliant ideas. You’ll be immediately drawn by those thick guitar layers, which pervade from all the possible sides. The generous servings of distortion decorate all the intricate chord progressions, palm-muted and regular riffs, while the lead guitar offers catchy themes and engaging leads. This interplay between rhythm and lead guitars makes “The Long Night” even more pleasant to the ears, offering an astounding listening experience worth repeating over and over again. Also, it’s good to mention that these guitar layers act as an adequate backdrop for excellent vocal performance. You’ll notice how the flawlessly sung vocal harmonies command the attention, guide the listeners, and skillfully balance between low, mid, and high notes. This multitasking also enhances the listening experience.

Of course, Fake Plastic paid equal attention to the rhythm section. The equally convoluted, vividly audible, warm-sounding low-ends rumble beneath the guitar layers, providing adequate heaviness, clarity, and depth while simultaneously binding all the mentioned instrumentations with drums. In the meantime, an experienced drummer dictates the groove and tempo by delivering nothing but outstanding, well-accentuated beats, breaks, fills, and other percussive acrobatics. Every band member plays a significant role in this sonic equation by shaping such a lush, grungy, alternative rock atmosphere that will delight your listening apparatus immediately. Fake Plastic is an exceptional band, one of the best on the contemporary alternative rock scene. Their ability to merge early nineties aesthetics with modern ideas and sonic maneuvers goes beyond comprehension many times throughout the track, so you should give this track a spin as soon as possible. It’s available on their Bandcamp page. Don’t miss it!




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