Patrick Lawrence - Forever Home

Patrick Lawrence – Forever Home

Patrick Lawrence - Forever Home

Forever Home” is a recently released number by Brisbane-based singer-songwriter Patrick Lawrence. It’s a beautiful love song that describes the spontaneous pleasure of being comfortable in a relationship. “Forever Home” is Lawrence‘s third single this year, serving as a perfect follow-up to his previous works. However, it also delivers some innovations in songwriting, composing, recording, and producing, which all contribute to the magnificent ambiance of this exceptional love song. Soundwise, Patrick Lawrence combines the singer-songwriter approach in writing with some of the finest sonic ingredients borrowed from complementary music genres like indie folk, indie pop, contemporary pop, and soft rock. These experimentations with various styles resulted in a calm, soothing, relaxing, ethereal ambiance that will immediately grab your attention. Patrick Lawrence invested nothing but brilliant ideas and outstanding musicianship in “Forever Home,” and he showcased his creative genius in every segment. Each segment carries many impressive sonic delicacies and surprises that will unquestionably appeal to even the pickiest indie folk and singer-songwriter music fans.

Patrick Lawrence
Photo courtesy of the artist.

Lawrence’s marvelous vocal performance steals the spotlight by skillfully balancing between low, mid, and high notes. His vocal range emphasizes the message he tried to convey, so every piece of orchestration comes with a well-articulated vocal performance that uplifts ambiance to an entirely new level. One cannot miss perfectly recorded, cleverly assembled chord progressions that serve as a backdrop for Lawrence’s voice alongside vividly hearable string instrumentations. The equally hearable basslines provide more heaviness, depth, and clarity to those chord progressions, but also serve as adequate binding element between all the instrumentations and drumming performance based on moderate, well-accentuated beats, breaks, fills, and other percussive acrobatics. Patrick Lawrence performed, recorded, and produced every orchestration with such precision, so you’ll hear even the tiniest notes, beats, and details delivered by this experienced artist. He also thoroughly planned the entire structure, so you’ll be pleasantly surprised with his tremendous precision, sense of detail, and ability to compose tastefully balanced songs.

“Forever Home” is a modern masterpiece, but it also evokes some nostalgia, thanks to the calm, soothing, relaxing, ethereal, nearly cathartic ambiance delivered through wisely assembled instrumentations. Partick Lawrence wrote and composed a magnificent number that will unquestionably appeal to every true fan of modern singer-songwriter and indie folk music. You should not miss “Forever Home” even if you’re a newbie to these music genres. The single is available on all streaming platforms.




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