Close But No Cigar - Tokyo

Close But No Cigar – Tokyo

Close But No Cigar - Tokyo

After The Dance Of Venus EP and single named Particles, London-based quartet Close But No Cigar returns with another fine piece of sonic artistry. Tokyo is the second single this year and such a perfect follow-up to their previous works. It is a composition about persistence and staying dedicated to your goals until achieving them. The band also touches the base of themes such as mental health and anxiety, but it also reflects on how society imposes its standards and suffocates people’s dreams. Soundwise, Close But No Cigar explores the fundamentals of contemporary alternative rock music, but if you pay closer attention, you will notice some other elements lurking around. The bend invested in some of the finest properties of garage and indie rock, but do not be surprised if you stumble upon some other genres along the way.

Close But No Cigar
Photo by Jacopo Perinati

These folks sound like a singular organism from scratch to finish. Tokyo bursts with brilliant ideas and exceptional musicianship, and each segment of this number indicates that you’re dealing with experienced musicians. It is nearly impossible to explain how powerful each segment of the song sounds thanks to the cleverly assembled riffs. Some melodies, harmonies, and accentuations are thrown in the mix, but the main focus is on those riffs. Nothing would sound so powerful without equally complex low-end tones that perfectly match guitars. The enormously energetic drumming sequences are mainly responsible for all the dynamics you’ll hear throughout the song. Every part of this composition comes with a set of thoughtfully arranged beats, empowered with various accentuations, fills, and other percussive acrobatics. However, the lead vocalist is the star of this show for sure. His ability to transform low to high tones and vice versa comes like a cherry on top. His vocal capabilities unquestionably decorate and improve the listening experience even more. Tokyo is one of those songs you need to hear to comprehend the brilliance of this band. The single is available on all streaming services, so give it a listen.





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