The Heroic Enthusiasts - All I Want

The Heroic Enthusiasts – All I Want

The Heroic Enthusiasts - All I Want

Rochester, New York-based duo The Heroic Enthusiasts returns with another fine piece of sonic artistry that will appeal to anyone interested in mesmerizing, memorable, expertly composed, and performed music. “All I Want” is their second piece of work in 2024, arriving as an adequate follow-up of “You Don’t Own Me,” a set of remixes released earlier this year. This particular song announces their debut full-length, slated for release later this year via Meridian (ECR Music Group). Soundwise, The Heroic Enthusiasts nurture a fresh, unique, innovative sound based upon combining several different but complementary music genres. Perhaps a new wave comes to mind first, but you’ll unquestionably notice how synth-pop, synthwave, indie, alternative, and electronic music found their way into this sonic equation. The Heroic Enthusiasts use all these sonic ingredients as more than necessary enhancements, accentuations, decorations, and other details to uplift this magnificent song on an entirely new level while simultaneously remaining loyal to the primary sonic direction. Therefore, these experimentations with different but complementary styles resulted in a marvelous new wave song that will suit even the pickiest listeners and beyond.

The Heroic Enthusiasts
Photo by Taylor Ballantyne

As soon as you press play, you’ll hear how “All I Want” constantly levitates between nostalgic and contemporary sound. The Heroic Enthusiasts implemented many brilliant ideas into this song so that a retro feel combined with modern production breaks all the rules and shapeshifts the boundaries of the conventional new wave sound. The duo also thought about everything while writing, composing, arranging, recording, and producing this number, so you’ll immediately notice how “All I Want” arrives with a perfect song structure, garnered with many intricate segments and impressive instrumentations. You’ll hear how the interplay between synths shapes an adequate backdrop for all the vocals to shine upon. The Heroic Enthusiasts fully stacked this composition with many otherwordly sounding layers of sequenced themes, leads, melodies, harmonies, arpeggiated chord progressions, and ambiances. Each layer plays a significant role in this sonic equation, ensuring nothing but a pleasing listening experience. In the meantime, the marvelous vocal performance serves as a centerpiece, emphasizing all the segments and orchestrations. It commands attention and guides the listening apparatus through each section by seamlessly gliding over low, mid, and high notes. Also, it’s good to mention that all the vocal and sonic maneuvers match together harmoniously.

The Heroic Enthusiasts also thought about the rhythm section. There are equally intricate, vividly hearable, warm-sounding low-end roaring beneath all those synth layers, providing more than necessary heaviness, depth, clarity, and support while binding all the mentioned instrumentation with rhythmic patterns. The expertly assembled, flawlessly performed, well-accentuated beats, brakes, and other percussive acrobatics propel this song to new heights while keeping the remainder of the orchestrations in line. The Heroic Enthusiasts implemented so many tiny details and nuances, so “All I Want” demands repeated listens, so you can grasp everything these experienced musicians intended to achieve with their latest piece. “All I Want” is a masterpiece that embraces the best qualities of retro and modern new-wave music. It’s one of those songs that showcases all the experience, knowledge, skills, and talent of the band, as all these qualities shine during each moment of the song. It’s a must-listen-to anyone into cleverly assembled and flawlessly performed music. The single is available on all streaming platforms. Don’t miss it!




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