Nula - Album LP - PDV

Nula – Album LP (PDV)

Nula - Album LP - PDV

Nula, the Croatian anarcho-punk band from Šibenik, has made a triumphant return with their new full-length release titled simply “Album.” This record marks a significant milestone for the band, as it is their first studio effort in three decades, yet it feels as though they never left the scene. With their latest work, Nula slams hard with the same intensity, ferociousness, and aggression that characterized their music three decades ago. From the very first track, “Album” establishes itself as a relentless sonic assault. The riffs are fast, aggressive, and heavily distorted, embodying the essence of anarcho-punk, d-beat, crust, UK82, and hardcore punk traditions. Each song is an explosion of energy, with guitars that are in-your-face and unapologetically raw. The intricate, vividly warm-sounding basslines add an unexpected depth and heaviness, perfectly complementing the aggressive guitar work. This balance between aggression and musicality exemplifies their ability to evolve while staying true to their roots.

The dual vocal duties are one of the standout features of “Album” which ensures a diversity and sense of camaraderie throughout the record. Frua and Mitre deliver powerful shoutouts and screams that seamlessly blend with the aggressive sonic output. Their vocal interplay creates a dynamic tension, each voice echoing the other in a call-and-response style that amplifies the album’s intensity. This dual vocal approach not only adds variety but also reinforces the band’s message, making their social-political commentary even more impactful. Nula’s lyrics are as sharp and relevant as ever, tackling the rotten system, authority, and the ongoing problems of contemporary society. Each song is a pointed critique, delivered with a ferocity that leaves no room for ambiguity. Tracks like “Krvoproliće,” the first single from the album, exemplify this approach with lyrics that cut straight to the heart of societal issues. The album’s thematic consistency is a stark reminder of punk’s role as a voice for the marginalized and a tool for social change.

Meniga’s drumming propels the music to new heights. The rhythmic patterns are cleverly assembled, drawing from the classic anarcho-punk, d-beat, crust, UK82, and hardcore styles. Each beat is a driving force that maintains the album’s breakneck pace, yet there is a sophistication in the execution that showcases his skill. This combination of relentless speed and technical skills makes drumming an integral part of this material. “Album” is a perfect blend of nostalgia and innovation. Half of the songs were created in the mid-90s, while the other half were written in the past few years. This mix of old and new material gives the album a unique flavor, bridging the past and present perfectly. The inclusion of a remix and two covers further adds to this blend, paying homage to their influences while pushing their sound forward. The 11 songs, spanning just under 40 minutes, exemplify Nula’s enduring relevance and ability to adapt without losing their essence.

The production quality of “Album” is another highlight. Recorded in the same basement studio “Konoba” in Šibenik where they made their 1993 album “Pobjedimo laž,” the band has achieved a sound that is both crisp and clear. Ivan Jakić’s expertise in recording, mixing, and production shines through, while Petar Dundov’s mastering ensures each track sounds as it should. The result is an album that captures the raw energy of Nula’s live performances with studio precision. “Album” is more than just music; it is a comprehensive artistic package. Along with the vinyl release, there is a 28-page A4 booklet featuring illustrations, texts, explanations, and translations. The cover illustration and artwork for one of the tracks were created by renowned tattoo artist Ninoslav Zelenović – Zele, adding a visual dimension to the album. Contributions from longtime friends and collaborators further enrich the project, making it a true labor of love.

“Album” by Nula is a must-list for fans of fast-paced, aggressive, politically charged anarcho-punk. It is a powerful reminder of the band’s enduring spirit and uncompromising commitment to their message. This record not only celebrates Nula’s legacy but also cements their place in the contemporary punk scene. Whether you’re a longtime fan or new to their music, “Album” is a compelling listen that demands your attention. Available through PDV Records, it’s a worthy addition to any punk collection.




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