Broken Filters - Uncharted Territory

Broken Filters – Uncharted Territory

Broken Filters - Uncharted Territory

Released in 2022, “Uncharted Territory” marks the second album from Broken Filters, a band unafraid to push the boundaries of music genres. This offering delves deep into the realms of experimental rock, while expertly integrating elements from krautrock, psych-rock, art-rock, free-jazz, and alternative rock. This fusion creates a unique auditory journey, characterized by the band’s willingness to explore and innovate. The album, recorded mostly live in the studio, exudes an organic and raw energy, highlighted by the “Tagning” tags indicating the take numbers for each track. The live recording approach imparts a spontaneous and authentic feel to the music, enhancing the listener’s experience with an unfiltered glimpse into the band’s creative process. Notable guest appearances include Calle Schöier on the Hammond organ and Gustav Nygren on the saxophone, both of whom add layers of complexity and richness to the sound.

The album opens with “Video Tape Tagning 1,” a track that sets the tone for the eclectic mix to follow. The song features a hypnotic rhythm and intricate guitar work, blending seamlessly with ethereal synths. The live recording captures the raw energy of the band, creating an immersive listening experience. “B 18 Tagning 3” shifts gears with its driving bass line and pulsating beat. The influence of krautrock is evident in its repetitive and mesmerizing structure, while the experimental rock roots of the band shine through in the unconventional song arrangement. The track builds to a powerful crescendo, showcasing the band’s dynamic range. “I See You Tagning 4” introduces a softer, more introspective side of Broken Filters. The haunting melodies and delicate vocals create a sense of melancholy, contrasted by the occasional burst of instrumental intensity. This track exemplifies the band’s ability to balance emotional depth with musical complexity. Gustav Nygren’s saxophone contributions add a layer of improvisational flair, enhancing the track’s avant-garde appeal.

With “Avdelning Fem Tagning 1,” the band dives into the realms of krautrock, psych-rock and free jazz. The swirling guitar riffs and unpredictable tempo changes evoke a sense of chaos and freedom. Calle Schöier’s synth contributions sound divine, making this track such a pleasant listening experience worth repeating over and over again. The title track, “Uncharted Territory Tagning 1,” serves as the album’s centerpiece. This composition embodies the essence of Broken Filters’ experimental ethos. A blend of art-rock and alternative elements, the track is a sonic journey through intricate layers of soundscapes and shifting dynamics. Calle Schöier’s Hammond organ provides a rich, textured background, adding depth and warmth to the overall sound. “Frontera Amarillo Tagning 2” stands out with its propelling rhythms and vibrant instrumentation. The fusion of different musical styles is particularly evident here, as the band seamlessly integrates these influences into their experimental rock framework. The track’s lively and infectious energy makes it a standout moment on the album. The closing track, “Words Tagning 3,” brings the album to a contemplative end. The complex arrangement and poignant lyrics create a reflective atmosphere, allowing the listener to unwind after the intense journey through “Uncharted Territory.” The impactful use of distortion, saxophone, and synths adds a final touch of sophistication to the album.

“Uncharted Territory” is more than just a collection of songs; it’s a statement of Broken Filters’ musical and artistic vision. The album’s strength lies in its ability to defy categorization, skillfully blending various genres into a cohesive whole. It exemplifies their dexterity and creativity, as they navigate through different sonic landscapes with ease. The live recording aspect of the album adds a layer of authenticity and rawness that is often missing in studio-produced music. It allows the listeners to feel the spontaneity and passion of the performances, making the album feel like an intimate live concert experience. The contributions of guest musicians Calle Schöier and Gustav Nygren cannot be overstated. Schöier’s Hammond organ brings a warm, vintage vibe to the album. His playing adds a layer of richness and complexity to the music, enhancing the overall sound.

Nygren’s saxophone, on the other hand, introduces an element of unpredictability and improvisation. His performance is noteworthy, as he adds a distinctive character to the tracks. The interplay between the saxophone and the rest of the band creates moments of pure musical magic, highlighting the collaborative nature of the album. “Uncharted Territory” by Broken Filters is an ambitious and compelling album that pushes the boundaries of experimental rock. The band’s fearless exploration, combined with the raw energy of live recording, results in a unique and enchanting listening experience. Each track offers something different, yet they all come together to form a cohesive and dynamic whole. It showcases Broken Filters’ ability to innovate and create music that is both challenging and enjoyable. The album is available on their Bandcamp page. Don’t miss it!




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