Broken Filters - Broken Filters LP

Broken Filters – Broken Filters LP

Broken Filters - Broken Filters LP

Back in 2018, Stockholm-based band Broken Filters made a remarkable self-titled debut album, which stands as their first piece of work. This collection of tracks showcases an impressive blend of experimental rock, krautrock, psych-rock, art-rock, free-jazz, and alternative influences, creating an innovative and deeply engaging ambiance. The album, consisting of nine diverse tracks, takes the listener through varied soundscapes and emotional landscapes, demonstrating the band’s versatility and creativity. Broken Filters’ self-titled album is an audacious exploration of genre-blending and boundary-pushing music. The band’s willingness to experiment is evident throughout the album, as they skillfully navigate through different musical styles and textures. This album is not just a collection of songs; it is an immersive experience that challenges the listener to rethink conventional music genres. The album’s production quality is outstanding, with each instrument and sound carefully crafted to create a cohesive yet varied listening experience. The intricate layering of sounds and the dynamic range in each track highlight their technical skill and artistic vision. The unconventional approaches and experimental techniques add depth and richness to the music, making each listen a discovery.

The opening track, “Frontalkollaps,” sets the tone for the album with its bold, avant-garde approach. It begins with a dissonant, almost chaotic blend of sounds that gradually coalesce into a rhythmic, hypnotic groove. The track’s complex structure and unpredictable shifts keep the listener engaged, showcasing the band’s ability to skillfully merge chaos with order. “Gray Matter” delves into the band’s krautrock influences, featuring a steady, motorik beat and repetitive, trance-like melodies. The song’s minimalist approach is deceptively simple, with subtle variations and sonic textures emerging upon closer listening. This track exemplifies their skill in creating depth through repetition and the gradual evolution of sound. With “Slow Dazzle Morning,” Broken Filters explores the classic rock realms. The track is characterized by its engaging, ethereal atmosphere, created through lush instrumentations, swirling guitar effects, and flawlessly performed vocal harmonies. The song ebbs and flows, taking the listener on an introspective and expansive sonic journey.

“Luck and Chance” introduces psych-rock and krautrock elements, with its improvisational feel and laid-back structure. The interplay between the instruments is harmonious, creating a sense of spontaneity and freedom. This track highlights the band’s ability to push the boundaries of rock music, incorporating mentioned influences to create an immersive listening experience. “Stars” is a more accessible track, leaning towards alternative rock with its catchy melody and driving rhythm. However, even within this more conventional framework, the band infuses experimental elements, such as unconventional chord progressions and unexpected instrumental breaks. This balance between accessibility and experimentation makes “Stars” a standout track. In “Crack Early Dawnin’,” the band explores a more experimental realm. The track features brooding basslines, energetic beats, and experimental chord progressions that evoke some of the best years for post-punk and art-rock. The usage of all these instrumentations enhances its impact, creating a powerful and moving listening experience.

“Interim Roma” brings a change in pace with its upbeat, almost danceable rhythm. The track combines elements of krautrock and psych-rock, with a driving beat and hypnotic melodies that create a sense of movement and energy. The interplay between the rhythmic and melodic elements is particularly effective, making such an engaging and invigorating listening experience. Named after a remote Swedish highland area, “Stekenjokk” captures the vast, open landscapes through its expansive soundscapes and atmospheric textures. The track’s slow build and gradual layering of sounds create a sense of journey and exploration, mirroring the natural beauty of its namesake. This track is a perfect example of the band’s ability to evoke imagery and emotion through music. The closing track, “Cluster Bom,” is a powerful and fitting conclusion to the album. It encapsulates the band’s sound, with its complex rhythms, jangling harmonies, and half-time beats. The track’s laid-back ambiance leaves a lasting impression, bringing the album to a dramatic and satisfying close.

Broken Filters’ self-titled debut album is a bold and innovative work that pushes the boundaries of rock music. The band’s ability to skillfully blend various genres and influences results in a unique and exquisite listening experience. Each track offers something different, yet they all come together to form a cohesive whole, greater than the sum of its parts. The album exemplifies Broken Filters’ creativity, technical skill, and willingness to experiment. It is a challenging yet rewarding listen, inviting the listener to explore new sonic territories and rethink their expectations of rock music. Broken Filters have delivered a remarkable debut that not only showcases their talent but also sets a high bar for their future work. This album is a significant contribution to the contemporary music scene, and you should check it out immediately. The album is available on vinyl via Broken Filter’s Bandcamp page.




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