Mark Howard - Mark Howard

Mark Howard – The Light Behind Us

Mark Howard - Mark Howard

The Light Begind Us” is the latest single by Mark Howard, an outstanding Australian singer-songwriter whose music sounds divine. It’s his second piece of work in 2024, arriving as an adequate follow-up of “Scarlette,” another exceptional composition released earlier this year. Soundwise, Mark Howard combines singer-songwriter aesthetics with some of the finest properties borrowed from a few complementary music genres. If you take a closer look, you’ll notice how alternative, indie, and modern rock found their way into this fine piece of sonic artistry, but don’t be surprised if you hear some other details and nuances along the way. Mark Howard uses all these additional elements as more than necessary enhancements, accentuations, decorations, and other details to uplift this song on an entirely new level while remaining loyal to the primary sonic direction. Therefore, “The Light Behind Us” will appeal to anyone with tastefully arranged and flawlessly performed music.

Mark Howard
Photo courtesy of the artist.

With the initial notes and beats, it becomes clear Mark Howard is an outstanding singer-songwriter whose writing, composing, arranging, and producing abilities shine during each moment. This becomes evident more as you spend time with this song. Of course, he assembled a perfect song structure where all those intricate segments resonate with otherwordly orchestrations, ensuring that even the pickiest listeners will return to this marvelous song over and over again. Howard’s impressive vocal range commands attention and guides the listening apparatus while emphasizing everything he intended to convey with this fine piece of sonic artistry. The perfect balance between low, mid, and high notes makes things more interesting while simultaneously adding a touch of complexity to an easy-listening track. In the meantime, the interplay between rhythm and lead guitar shapes a perfect backdrop for Howard’s vocal articulations to shine upon. You’ll notice how expertly assembled chord progressions resonate on one side, while the other shines with many themes, melodies, harmonies, accentuations, and other sonic maneuvers. It’s also nearly mindblowing how the vocals and guitars pair together harmoniously throughout the entire track.

Mark Howard also thought about the rhythm section, so you’ll notice how both bass guitar and drums provide immense support to the remainder of the orchestrations. The equally complex, audible, warm-sounding basslines offer more than necessary massiveness, clearness, and deepness while binding everything together. In the meantime, the outstanding drumming performance keeps everything in line while dictating groove and tempo with moderate, well-accentuated beats, breaks, fills, and other percussive acrobatics. Every instrument sounds superb from scratch to finish, making this song such a pleasant listening experience that will remain in your thoughts long after it ends. Mark Howard proves he’s an exceptional singer-songwriter who knows how to deliver a premium listening experience to even the pickiest listeners. His experience, knowledge, skills, and talent shine during every moment, so you should check out this track as soon as possible. “The Light Behind Us” is available on all streaming platforms. Don’t miss it!




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