Cairo Station - Menace

Cairo Station – Menace

Cairo Station - Menace

Menace” is a debut single by Cairo Station, an excellent Belfast-based trio. It’s one of those songs that will immediately grab your attention and refuse to let go long after this fine piece of sonic artistry ends. Soundwise, these profoundly creative musicians combine different but complementary music genres to illustrate such rich and luxurious sonic imagery. Perhaps alternative rock comes to mind first, but you’ll unquestionably notice how grunge, garage rock, and indie rock found their way into this sonic equation. Cairo Station uses all these additional sonic ingredients as more than necessary enhancements, accentuations, decorations, and other details to uplift “Menace” on an entirely new level while simultaneously remaining loyal to the primary sonic direction. Therefore, these experimentations with different but complementary styles resulted in a magnificent debut song that will appeal to even the pickiest alternative rock fans.

Cairo Station
Photo courtesy of the band.

As soon as you press play, you’ll notice that Cairo Station are not joking around with their music. Their debut carries brilliant ideas followed by tremendous performance. “Menace” arrives with a perfect song structure, stacked with many carefully planned segments and garnered with exceptional musicianship. Cara Collins’ outstanding vocal performance acts as a centerpiece, emphasizing all the segments and orchestrations. Her impressive vocal range commands attention and guides listeners from scratch to finish while balancing low, mid, and high notes. In the meantime, the guitars serve as a perfect backdrop,immensely supporting all the vocal maneuvers. You’ll notice how the colossal wall of sound built upon raw, abrasive, fuzzy, generously distorted riffs pervades from all possible sides, indulging listening apparatus to the max. The guitar tone is rich, and it complements the performance of the remainder of the band.

Of course, Cairo Station thought about the rhythm section too, so you’ll hear how equally intricate, audible, distorted low-ends roar beneath the guitars, offering more than necessary heaviness, clarity, and depth. The bass guitar also binds guitar layers with drums, making it a cohesive whole. This song wouldn’t sound this good without the impressive drumming performance, based upon tastefully assembled, well-accentuated beats, breaks, fills, and other percussive acrobatics. The experienced drummer keeps the remainder of the band in line while dictating groove and tempo, so everything sounds precisely executed. Cairo Station poured heart and soul into their debut song. “Menace” carries all their knowledge, skills, talent, and ideas, making it such a perfect debut single that could easily pair with tracks of much bigger names in the game. Their ability to seamlessly combine alternative, grunge, garage, and indie while implementing signature moves goes beyond comprehension, so a pleasing listening experience is more than guaranteed. The single is available on all streaming platforms. Don’t miss it!




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