Tessa Lee - Dear Friend

Tessa Lee – Dear Friend

Tessa Lee - Dear Friend

Dear Friend” is the latest song by Tessa Lee, an outstanding Australian singer-songwriter. It’s her second piece of work in 2024, serving as an adequate follow-up of “Big Slow Beating Heart,” another excellent composition released this year. Soundwise, she combines a singer-songwriter approach with many different but complementary music styles. Perhaps alt-folk comes to mind first, but you’ll unquestionably notice how some of the finest properties borrowed from Americana, country, indie folk, folk rock, and classic rock found their way into this sonic equation. She uses all these additional elements as more than necessary enhancements, accentuations, decorations, and other details to create such a rich and luxurious ambiance while simultaneously remaining loyal to the primary sonic direction. Therefore, these experimentations with different but complementary styles resulted in such a mesmerizing sonic voyage worth repeating over and over again.

Tessa Lee
Photo by Tina Smith

This exceptional alt-folk composition arrives with a perfectly assembled structure, stacked with many segments and garnered with impressive orchestrations. Each instrument conveys Tessa Lee’s tremendous ideas, ensuring nothing but a pleasing listening experience. You’ll hear how her outstanding vocal performance commands attention and guides your listening apparatus through every section of the song by perfectly balancing between low, mid, and high notes. She emphasizes all the segments and instrumentations with precision and finesse while adding more complexity to the ambiance. Also, back vocals and singalongs accentuate and enhance choruses, without overwhelming the calm, soothing, relaxing, ethereal atmosphere. The guitar interplay creates a cathartic backdrop for all those vocal articulations to shine upon. You’ll hear how tastefully assembled, expertly performed, catchy chord progressions resonate on one side, while the other shines with hypnotic, memorable themes, melodies, harmonies, and slide guitar accentuations. It’s also nearly mindblowing how all these guitar maneuvers pair with Tessa Lee’s vocals harmoniously from scratch to finish.

Of course, this exceptional song wouldn’t be complete without a rock-solid rhythm section. The bass guitar provides heaviness, clarity, and depth by delivering equally intricate, vividly hearable, warm-sounding low-end notes. This particular instrument binds all the mentioned orchestrations with the drums. You’ll also hear how the expertly arranged, moderate, well-accentuated beats, breaks, fills, and other percussive acrobatics dictate the groove and tempo while keeping everything perfectly in line. Tessa Lee thought about everything while writing, composing, arranging, recording, and producing her latest single. “Dear Friend” is a marvelous display of her ideas, musicianship, experience, skills, and talent. All these qualities play a significant role in shaping such an otherwordly listening experience where her outstanding vocal performance collides harmoniously with exceptional instrumentation. Therefore, “Dear Friend” will become your go-to track whenever you crave expertly written, composed, and performed alt-folk music. The single is available on all streaming platforms. Don’t miss it!




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