The Margaret Hooligans - The StoneHengers

The Margaret Hooligans – The StoneHengers

The Margaret Hooligans - The StoneHengers

The Margaret Hooligans are back with another fine piece of sonic artistry, which will unquestionably appeal to anyone even remotely into alternative rock music. “The StoneHengers” is their seventh single from “ThunderHole Rock n’ Roll,” their upcoming full-length release. If you somehow missed our previous writings about this powerful duo, The Margaret Hooligans nurture fresh and unique alternative rock sound, adorned with the finest elements borrowed from garage, indie, classic rock, etc. This comprehensive collection of sonic ingredients allows them to experiment with their musical direction as much as possible, and the results are always impressive and inspiring. They always find a completely different approach that works to the advantage of the song, and that’s the case with “The StoneHengers.”

The Margaret Hooligans
Photo courtesy of the band.

As soon as you press play, you’ll notice how The Margaret Hooligans skillfully levitate through different eras. They expertly navigate sixties garage, seventies classic rock, and nineties alternative by delivering brilliant ideas and impressive musicianship. Perhaps the retro sound dominates throughout the entire track, but there are some modern arrangements and production, so “The StoneHengers” will unquestionably suit the broader auditorium. As usual, they thought about everything while writing, composing, arranging, recording, and producing, so “The StoneHengers” arrives with many cleverly assembled segments adorned with intricate instrumentations. The exceptional guitar and drumming performance are their heaviest weaponry in the arsenal, and they are not afraid to showcase everything they have.

The song commences with a catchy, hypnotic, memorable guitar riff, acting as a perfect backdrop for all the vocal articulations. You will notice how these soundscapes gradually become more complex with the addition of more or less subtle leads, melodies, and accentuations. The Margaret Hooligans sound even more intricate with every upcoming segment as they gradually upgrade their orchestrations as much as possible. By the way, these impressive guitar works will immediately transport you to the sixties and seventies, the times when classic and garage rock reigned supreme. This track wouldn’t sound this good without an excellent drumming performance. You will be blown away by the collection of tastefully arranged, expertly performed, well-accentuated beats, breaks, fills, and other percussive acrobatics. You will hear how the improvisation plays a significant role here, and that detail makes this track so good. Besides guitar and drum performance, The Margaret Hooligans garnered this number with an outstanding vocal performance that marvelously balances low, mid, and high notes. The vocal range perfectly pairs all the instrumentations, ensuring a pleasant listening experience.

“The StoneHengers” is one of those rock and roll tracks you should not miss. From vocal and instrumental performances to the brilliant ideas invested into arrangements, The Margaret Hooligans once again prove why they are one of the best alternative rock duos. Their ability to keep the classic rock aesthetic but simultaneously break all the rules of the genre is more than impressive. It showcases their tremendous experience, skills, and talent. The single is available on all streaming platforms. Don’t miss it!




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