Bicycle Trip - Change Your Mind

Bicycle Trip – Change Your Mind

Bicycle Trip - Change Your Mind

Change Your Mind” is a recently released song by Bicycle Trip, an excellent Edinburgh-based trio. It’s their second single in 2024, arriving as an adequate follow-up of “Monsters” and “Should’ve Known,” two outstanding tracks released this and last year. Also, it’s good to mention that “Change Your Mind” represents the final taster of what you might expect of “Parisian Girl,” their debut EP material released a couple of days ago. Soundwise, these skillful musicians combine several complementary music genres to illustrate such rich and luxurious sonic imagery. Perhaps alternative rock comes to mind, but don’t be surprised if you stumble upon some of the finest properties borrowed from indie rock, indie pop, or power pop. They use all these additional elements as more than necessary enhancements, accentuations, decorations, and other details to uplift their music on an entirely new level while simultaneously remaining loyal to the primary sonic direction. Therefore, their experimentations with many styles resulted in a mesmerizing composition that will appeal to every true alt-rock fan and beyond.

Bicycle Trip
Photo courtesy of the band.

As soon as you press play, you’ll notice how Bicycle Trip thought about everything while writing, composing, arranging, recording, and producing this number. From vocal and guitar performances to the marvelous low-end notes and well-accentuated beats, you’ll notice how this clever band poured heart and soul into every segment. Of course, the outstanding vocal performance serves as a centerpiece, emphasizing all the segments and instrumentations. The perfect balance between low, mid, and high notes commands attention, while the impressive vocal range guides the listeners through the song. In the meantime, the interplay between acoustic and electric guitar provides an adequate backdrop for all the vocal articulation. You’ll notice how tastefully assembled, flawlessly performed chord progressions resonate on one side, while the other shines with reverby themes, melodies, harmonies, and arpeggiated chord progressions. Also, it’s nearly mindblowing how vocals and guitars match harmoniously from scratch to finish.

The rhythm section plays a significant role in this sonic equation by keeping the mentioned instrumentations in line and adding more power to the ambiance. Bicycle Trip incorporated equally complex, vividly hearable, warm-sounding basslines, immensely contributing to the heaviness, clarity, and depth. In the meantime, the drummer dictates groove and tempo with moderate, well-accentuated, cleverly assembled beats, breaks, fills, and other percussive acrobatics. Everything sounds perfect from beginning to end, ensuring a pleasant listening experience even for those stumbling upon mentioned music genres for the first time. “Change Your Mind” is a magnificent semi-acoustic alt-rock song fully stacked with brilliant ideas and impressive musicianship. Bicycle Trip immediately grabs your attention and refuses to let go until the finishing notes and beats. You should put this number on your radar as soon as possible because there are high chances that “Change Your Mind” will end up at the top of your playlist. The single is available on all streaming platforms. Don’t miss it!




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