Values Here

Interview: Porcell & Chui of Values Here

Values Here
Photo by Bernard J. Hunt

How would you describe your musical direction and sound development? Were there any specific influences that shaped your approach?

Take us through your songwriting process. How do you typically come up with ideas for lyrics and music?

What is the meaning behind your debut single, “Will Be Tomorrow”? How does it reflect the band’s values and message?

Can you describe the concept and themes explored in your upcoming album, “Take Your Time, I’ll Be Waiting”?

Could you walk us through the recording process? Were there any notable challenges or memorable moments?

Values Here - Take Your Time, I'll Be Waiting

In terms of musical influences, which artists or bands have had the biggest impact on Values Here’s sound and style.

Are there any specific tracks on the album that hold a special significance for the band? Can you share the backstory or inspiration behind them?

As a band, what are your long-term goals and aspirations? Are there any particular milestones you hope to achieve?

Can you provide insight into the visual direction and storytelling of the music video for “Will Be Tomorrow”? How does it complement the song’s message?

How do you envision Values Here’s a place within the contemporary hardcore punk scene? What sets you apart from other bands in the genre?

What role do you believe hardcore punk music plays nowadays in conveying powerful messages and promoting a positive mental attitude?

Besides the album release, are there any plans for tours or other exciting projects that our readers can look forward to?

That’s it. Thank you so much for your time. Anything you would like to say to our readers?




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