
Interview: Chaser

Photo courtesy of the band.

We had the exciting opportunity to sit down with Jesse Stopnitzky, the talented bass player of the Southern California skatepunk band Chaser. In this exclusive interview, we dive into the creation of their new album, exploring the inspiration and themes that shaped its sound. Jesse provides insights into the band’s songwriting and recording process, offering a behind-the-scenes look at how their powerful and energetic tracks come to life. Enjoy!

    Small wins can add up. There’s definitely a cumulative effect. It’s just a concept we all really believe in. 

      Just sharing ideas back and forth until we come up with something we like. And mostly just listen to Sebas, he’s the expert 😉

        Sometimes things don’t quite go the way you want but you have to persevere. Stay resilient. Things will get better. 

          No real story behind it, just a human experience I think we all can relate to.

            None of us are perfect. We all stumble. But we also can and should work on ourselves. Try to be a better person. 

              This song is a tribute to our close friend Curtis Gold, who recently passed away. More broadly, it’s a song about the grieving process when you lose someone close to you and trying to move forward the best you can.

                You can do both! It just comes naturally to us I suppose. What you see is what you get:)

                  It was nothing short of amazing. Working with Cameron made us a better band. 

                    Orange County has such a rich history with punk rock. Many of the early bands made us want to pick up instruments. I suppose we just want to represent best we can and make OC proud. 

                      It just comes natural to us. These themes resonate with both us and the listener. 

                        It definitely is a real benefit. We actually agree on most things, but even when we disagree, we always compromise and do what’s best for the band. We always have each other’s backs. 

                          I suppose we just be ourselves. We don’t try to be tough or edgy or anything. Just true to who we are. That’s the most punk thing you can do in my opinion. No rules. No handbook. We just write and perform the way we want and the best we know how. 

                            Keep moving forward. Work on yourself. Be kind. Help others. Live the best life you can. 

                              Just as much touring as we can to support the new record. 

                                The future is bright for punk rock music. Lots of great bands. Seeing more young people at shows so the next generation is strong and ready to take over when we all retire ha.

                                  Hard to identify a specific experience. There’s been so many. I’d say consistently playing with so many bands we grew up idolizing is still a little surreal. 

                                    We love to bring the crowd into the show as much as possible. Make it a memorable experience for the audience. We want them to have the absolute best time at the Chaser show so we really focus on that.

                                      Just be yourself. And practice. A lot. Work hard on your song writing and live show. But mostly, just have fun.





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