Double Happines

Double Happiness: Darkwave Trio Released Debut Single ‘Electric Sheep’ / ‘Staring At The Walls’

Double Happines
Photo courtesy of the band.

Darkwave via gothic shoegaze trio Double Happiness released their debut single in early Feb, the double A-side ‘Electric Sheep’ / ‘Staring At The Walls’. Born out of the ashes of garage punk favourites PLEBS, this new project has taken on a decidedly altered approach, adopting a darker, gloomier and more electronic foundation of noise for Sam Jemsek’s witty, and at times completely off-the-wall, lyrical content. Since its release, they have been gigging relentlessly and released two more singles; ‘Dark Matters’ and ‘Worthwhile’. With more singles to come and an album expected for later in the year, keep an out.




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