Former Lives

Former Lives – Some Things Never Change Is Inevitable

Former Lives - Some Things Never Change Is Inevitable

Some things never change is inevitable” is the latest single by Former Lives, an outstanding Burlington, Vermont-based solo outlet of Sean Joseph Klassen. It’s the first piece of work in 2024, serving as an adequate follow-up of “Ceremony Of Leaving,” an exceptional 12″ EP released in 2022. For those stumbling upon this magnificent project, Former Lives combines some of the finest properties borrowed from many different but complementary music genres. Perhaps dream pop comes to mind first, but don’t be surprised if you stumble upon some of the finest properties borrowed from shoegaze, synth wave, new wave, post-punk, indie pop, etc. Former Lives uses all these additional sonic ingredients as more than necessary enhancements, accentuations, decorations, and other details to uplift “Some things never change is inevitable” on an entirely new level while remaining loyal to the primary sonic direction. Therefore, these experimentations resulted in a catchy, memorable, ethereal composition that will immediately resonate with the broader auditorium.

Former Lives
Photo courtesy of the artist.

Sean Joseph Klassen thoroughly planned everything. “Some things never change is inevitable” arrives with a perfect song structure stacked with many delicate segments and garnered with impressive instrumentations. Each instrument shines in the mix, ensuring a pleasing listening experience. Of course, the keys and synths play a significant role in this sonic equation by constructing a perfect backdrop for vocals to shine upon. The comprehensive collection of themes, leads, melodies, harmonies, arpeggiated sequences, and accentuations will immediately grab your attention and refuse to let go even after the song ends. Sean Joseph Klassen masterfully shapes this ambiance where calm, soothing, relaxing, ethereal orchestrations guide your listening apparatus on such a cathartic sonic journey worth repeating over and over again. Klassen’s outstanding, whispery vocal performance also commands attention while balancing low, mid, and high notes. His vocals emphasize all the segments and instrumentations while adding a subtle touch of complexity.

In the meantime, the guitars offer immense support to the mentioned instrumentations. You’ll notice how the amalgam of catchy chord progressions and riffs adds another layer of ethereal sounds. Former Lives also thought about the rhythm section, so equally intricate, audible, warm-sounding low-ends contribute to the heaviness, clarity, and depth while binding all those orchestrations with the drums. The excellent rhythmic patterns based upon moderate, well-accentuated beats, breaks, fills, and other percussive acrobatics keep everything in line while dictating groove and tempo. Everything sounds top-notch on this magnificent sonic voyage, and “Some things never change is inevitable” will immediately get a special place on your playlist. Former Lives never ceases to amaze with its ideas, musicianship, and ability to breathe fresh air into so many music genres at once. It’s undoubtedly a song that deserves your attention. The single is available on all streaming platforms. Don’t miss it!





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